Skiddle.com/festivals – the nation’s biggest and best festival guide.
Skiddle is now the busiest primary ticket agency in the country, with recent Alexa stats showing an increase in traffic which puts it above Ticketmaster, See and every other competitor for unique visitors from the UK. This ascension has been a steady progress over the past 14 years, underlined via its festival guide becoming the most comprehensive resource for the millions of Britons who spend their summers embracing these wide ranging and much loved events.
The Festival Guide has been a core concept of Skiddle’s website for over a decade. It’s an area that is an all year round priority, updated constantly with staff dedicated to its management seven days a week. It boasts more information on the UK festival scene, alongside their international counterparts, than any other web page in the British Isles, as well one of the most unique tools around – the Festival Finder.
This enables the user to easily select their ideal festival criteria and narrow down on festivals tailored for their needs, no matter how obscure. These could be specific genre of music, a posh loo preference, or adhering to a strict budget, as well as much more. The festival finder helps customers find events that easily fits their needs whether broad or specific.
What sets Skiddle’s guide apart from the competition isn’t just the sheer quantity of festivals covered, it’s also the level of depth afforded to them. The company provides information on six crucial components of a festival which are vital to the user, which are as follows:
Information – event times, location, music genres and short description of the festival
Tickets – How to get them and full pricing structures.
2015 Line-up – Fully up to date line-ups, with links to artist pages and content allowing the reader to discover more them.
Travel – How to get to a festival via car, rail, bus and other options, as well as a widget enabling directions.
Hotels – Instant availability of nearby hotels as well as being able to book straight away.
News – All articles generated by Skiddle about that festival.
The final aspect is also an area Skiddle holds a key market advantage. This festival-related editorial will vary from up to date line-up announcements, arena breakdowns, interviews with artists and event promoters and much, much more. It’s an avalanche of exciting copy suitable for the full spectrum of your audience – from festival devotee to the curious bystander – to immerse themselves within.
This content isn’t just restricted to individual events. Alongside the aforementioned articles there’s key resources such as guides for first time festivalgoers, Spotify playlists showcasing the best upcoming musical talent (like the one above) and roundups of niche areas of appeal (an example being Five of the Best Family Friendly Festivals).
All this can also be found in Skiddle’s frequently updated Festival News section. The emphasis here is very much on selling the spirit of the festival experience as opposed to shifting tickets. This key differentiation in voice and style from a marketing approach is vital in retaining customer’s interest and helping Skiddle become so popular. Prices aren’t rammed down audiences throats like elsewhere, instead the audience is engaged with exciting details about the musical, social and exhilarating encounters that await them in the tents and fields.
It all dovetails with existing content in the two other leading components of Skiddle’s market share, live music and the clubs scene. This status as an editorial authority ensures Skiddle readers trust the musical knowledge that underpins much of the festival coverage, from artist interviews to stories which get to the heartbeat of the festival experience. Equally this ticket buying demographic is essential; the gig-goers and rave aficionados who step out of live music arenas and sweaty dancefloors for fun in fields a huge swathe of festival footfall.
That said, the site also doesn’t slaver to musical or artistic partisanship like many of its competitors. Their tone and voice reflects the wide breadth of people who go to festivals across the country as well, with straightforward insight that is knowledgeable and resourceful without being overbearing. Equally their festival guide is not restricted merely to events on sale with the website. The company has long held the status as the nation’s biggest what’s on guide and this is reflected with more events listed than ever before, making it such a hugely used and hugely respected resource.
With more potential customers now visiting Skiddle than any other agent in Britain, it makes more sense than ever to use the nation’s most adept festival platform to power your sales. It’s the same if you’re a decades old rock music institution, a rapidly developing boutique gathering, urban electronic music mecca or a family friendly food and drink extravaganza. Regardless of size, niche or demographic appeal, selling tickets on the nation’s busiest and best Festival Guide is a necessity in 2015.