BBC Journalists Expose Sham Security Courses

An undercover investigation by the BBC’s File on 4 has found companies offering shortened SIA Door Supervisor courses, which is against regulations. The investigation found six-day training courses reduced to between on-and-a-half to 3 days, with candidates told to fraudulently complete their attendance sheet.

The programme goes on to state that the shortened courses miss out essential modules such as first-aid whilst being coached on the subsequent tests.

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) said it was now working with the organisations which oversee these training companies to further investigate the BBC material. It said it would be referring the matter to the police.

Reacting to the reports, NTIA chief, Maichael Kill Michael Kill, CEO of NTIA, expressed deep disappointment and concern over the accounts shared by the BBC on training providers regarding their access to our sector, saying:

“The door security sector has, for a considerable period, raised questions concerning security training, from the point of facilitation, accessibility and content. The necessary qualifications for obtaining an SIA License to work within the sector have been overshadowed by a small number of unscrupulous training operators.”

“In light of the compelling evidence presented by the BBC today, I strongly encourage the SIA to reconsider their current process for accrediting training providers. This is a pivotal moment to revamp the system and restore public trust in the sector.”