Standon Calls Off 2024 Amidst Rising Costs

Pic: Ania Shrimpton

Standon Calling, winner of the Line Up of the Year award at last year’s UK Festival Awards, has become the latest in the line of festivals to call off their 2024 edition in order to regroup amidst increases in costs. In a statement announcing the festival’s postponement until 2025, director, Alex Trenchard said that “ploughing on in this very challenging climate could risk the future of the festival”. Ticketholders have been given the option of holding over tickets until 2025 with the incentive of receiving a free additional ticket, refunds will also be available.

The postponement comes in the wake of a BBC report into suppliers, traders and acts being owed thousands of pounds from the 2023 edition.

Commenting on the postponement, Association of Independent Festivals CEO, John Rostron said:
“Standon Calling is now the ninth UK festival to announce its closure or postponement in 2024, further demonstrating the crisis that our sector is facing and the need for urgent government intervention. Festivals are being squeezed by the rise in supply chain costs, and the effects of closures and debt incurred during Covid, meaning they are in a unique, perilous position that threatens the future of almost all but the very biggest operators in the UK. We launched the 5% For Festivals campaign at our Festival Congress this month, urging the Government to reduce VAT on festival ticket sales from 20% to 5% – an evidence-based, simple, sensible remedy that would ease the financial burden on promoters enough for them to return to health. We need this action now, and encourage the public to visit, write to their MPs and support events so their favourite festivals don’t make 2024 their last.”

The full statement from the festival reads:

Standon Calling will return on 24th-27th July 2025
We are eternally grateful to everyone who has booked tickets already, and we hope you will rollover your bookings to 2025, which will help us return with the very best festival experience. As a way of saying thank you to everyone who chooses to rollover their full booking (which includes at least one Adult Weekend Ticket), we’ll add an additional Adult Weekend Ticket to the order so you can bring an extra friend on us. Full details are in the Postponement Q&A linked below. You can also request a refund if you’d prefer. You will be contacted by Friday 9th February by the ticket agent you booked with outlining your options.
This is not a decision we have made lightly and we have explored every avenue possible to welcome you back in 2024. Sadly, the situation is not unique to us. So many festival teams work hard all year round to deliver unforgettable weekends of memories in the face of unprecedented financial challenges. Over the last few weeks, several other independent festivals have been postponed for similar reasons.
After a wonderful weekend last summer, and with our 2023 Line-Up Of The Year award a reminder of our long-standing track record delivering the best line-ups for you year in, year out, we will move forward to shape the future of Standon Calling. Over the coming months, we will be asking for your input and suggestions to make sure we can return with the very best show possible – one befitting our 18th birthday edition!
So, for now, from the whole Standon Calling team, thanks for your unwavering support and we’ll see you again on 24th to 27th July 2025. Sign up to our newsletter to hear about line-up news and tickets first. We promise it will be worth the wait!