Help to Stamp Out Spiking This Summer

Clear on-screen messaging at Boardmasters 2023

Anti-spiking charity, Stamp Out Spiking is set to mark the third anniversary of International Stamp Out Spiking Day on 15th July, with partners and supporters across the world will voicing their unwavering defiance – “This behaviour is not acceptable, and perpetrators will be punished.”

For the past 20 years CEO Dawn Dines has been in the forefront in the fight against spiking and in 2021 she finally introduced this day into the calendar of all those who have been influenced, affected and are sadly victims of this cowardly violation. No-one is immune and the “Call to Action” is that spiking is not acceptable but only working together will put a stop to it.

Stamp Out Spiking note that people are taking notice, because spiking is happening, and as such as politicians, police and venues are reacting, however slowly. Stamp Out Spiking is the voice of the people and through Dawn’s advocacy is changing law, releasing government funds to increase training, and bringing to the forefront the responsibilities of the security industry and venues. They also support Street Pastors & Guardians who voluntarily give up their time to support those in need and are often key personnel on the ground.

Continuing their work as a small charity is often supplemented by unpaid time, donations and free work given by ambassadors and staff who often have direct experience or personal reasons to support their causes.

Times are hard and money short but please consider fundraising for Stamp Out Spiking  on 15th July. You can fund training for a local venue, donate the same as a cup of coffee or Stomp to Stamp Out Spiking. Any support be it large or small is vital, and will enable the support of victims, training groups and driving our messages of intolerable behaviour throughout the country.

Learn more about the Stomp to Stamp Out Spiking and start your fundraiser here. Don’t want to stomp? Donate through the same link to support the cause.

If you would like to safeguard and learn all the ways spiking is taking place at your festival, please contact Stamp Out Spiking or speak about resources, training and visuals for your stages.  Send people home to teach others about spiking issues, cascading this vital safety information across multiple communities. 

Want to get involved in further fundraising initiatives? Get in touch –