Yorkshire Dales Food and Drink Festival Organisers Enter Liquidation

Events By B3 Ltd, the company behind the Yorkshire Dales Food and Drink Festival has entered into liquidation with Jonathan Amor and Richard Oddy, licensed Insolvency Practitioners with Azets engaged to manage the CVL (Creditors Voluntary Liquidation).

The festival, held during the third week in July at Funkirk Farm, near Settle, began in 2015 and expanded rapidly, attracting over 30,000 visitors, 200 exhibitors and a diverse schedule of entertainment, street food, pop-up restaurants, workshops, food tasting and masterclasses from leading food and drink celebrities. The Festival is thought to be the largest of its kind in the UK and is estimated to have generated around £7m for the local economy.

As with all festivals, Covid and inflation will have played its part, but in 2023, the event was seriously affected by flooding which led to unforeseen costs making the event loss making. This had a major impact on cash flow in the Company in the latter part of 2023 which continued into 2024 and with ticket revenue being behind where it should be at this time of year the difficult decision was been taken by the directors to cease trading.

Liquidators are urging interested parties to make contact as soon as possible to maximise the chances of securing the future of the Festival.

Customers are encouraged to check with their credit or debit card providers if they can claim a refund by making a chargeback request on their purchase.